Are you from the Midcoast Maine area?
Are you 22 or under and have a passion for music?
Do you have a music-related dream that you can't afford?
The Laureen Swanson Music for Youth Fund might be perfect for YOU!

What are some things the scholarship grant has gone towards in the past?
New instruments
Sheet music
Instrument repair/ parts
Music lessons
Music camp

Board Members:

Holly Swanson
The youngest of the five Swanson children. She, like Laureen, was also very involved in theater and chorus throughout high school and college. She is currently a pediatrician in upstate New York, at Delmar Pediatrics.

Devore Culver
A retired healthcare executive with over 40 years of hospital and technology management. He currently serves on the Board of Directors for Central Maine Healthcare and volunteers at the Brunswick-Topsham Land Trust – Tom Settlemire Community Garden.

Melanie Pearson
Currently a System Director of Information Services for Covenant Health. She also serves on the Board of Directors for Hardy Girls, Healthy Women in Maine and is a volunteer at the Brunswick-Topsham Land Trust – Tom Settlemire Community Garden.
New Board members 2023

Patricia Cannon
Pat has led music programs in community settings for many years, as well as a career teaching in public and private school, Portland Conservatory of Music, directing a children's church choir, and partnering with nonprofits to offer music programming such as drumming, songwriting and world music. Pat was awarded a Berklee Alumni Grant for Music in the community.
She has been an entrepreneur, teacher, serving on the Boards of the Bath Area Interfaith Food Bank, Merrymeeting Community Shares, and the Abbey of Hope in Portland. She regularly leads participatory community singing opportunities, plays mandolin, guitar and piano for fun, and writes songs when inspired.

Cindy Herrick
I grew up in Brunswick in a very musical environment and was fortunate enough to graduate with the talented Laureen Swanson at Brunswick High School. After college, majoring in education, I came home, married and raised two wonderful sons who went through the SAD 75 school system. They started playing wind instruments in elementary school, then later piano, guitar and stand up bass. Music was an outlet for them and I can't imagine them not having that available to them. One son even made a career in music having been development officer for Bowdoin Music Festival in Brunswick. I look forward to working with the board of the LSMFY Foundation because I want to see every youth and young adult have the opportunity to have music in their lives. We must keep the arts alive.