How Did the fund come about?

Laureen Swanson grew up in Brunswick, Maine. The daughter of Ronald and Eleanor Swanson, she was the eldest of 5 children and was always involved in music. She was an accomplished pianist, loved to sing, and participated in all the school musicals.
In 1974 she graduated from Brunswick High School and began attending classes at Williams College. She decided to join both the glee club and the Ephlats, and it was evident that she had a true passion for music. During this time, she also became ill with acute mylocytic leukemia, and unfortunately lost her battle with cancer in 1979.
Her parents, Ron and Ellie, decided to establish a scholarship fund in her memory, with the goal of helping other enthusiastic local youth pursue their musical dreams.The fund was very successful for many years, and assisted in granting money for everything from sheet music to music camp for vibrant young Mainers.
However, as Ron and Ellie aged and passed, the scholarship fell to the wayside, and grants were no longer given. As a result, the funds have substantially grown and now need to find worthy candidates.
The Swanson family, and our LSMFY board members are excited to be taking new applications in order to reinstate this wonderful scholarship.